Keith’s Trains Series™ (From the camera of Keith Lehman) Railroad DVD Title #65 65 BNSF AT GALESBURG, IL, WITH RR DAYS, VOL. 2, 1998: See Milwaukee S3 261 arrive from Chicago, IL, and due to a bearing problem, stays overnight in Galesburg, and then taken back to Chicago the next day. Filmed at CB&Q/BN/BNSF depot, and Thirwell Road bridge, and a Metra train tour of BNSF’s yards. See the CB&Q Nebraska Zephyr on display and idling, and backing from the display area on its way to the diesel shop. We take a cab tour of the EMD E5 and the engine room. See Amtrak’s display of number 8- GE P42DC, Chicago Club Cafe Lounge and a Viewliner both inside and out. Also we see several stops by Amtrak’s number 5 and 6 California Zephyrs. From Thirwell Road Bridge we see 261, arrive at the diesel shop for repairs and see other diesel locomotives. Several trains arrive and SD9s switch cuts of cars. We then take our free Metra train tour of the yards. Some outside views of a CB&Q silver caboose, RPO, and 3006 4-6-4 S-4 Hudson from the Galesburg RR Museum. 6/98
NEW in slim DVD case, a Series from 1-WEST PRODUCTIONS™. Approx. 120 Mins, SD 4×3, All Color Video to Digital DVD, Orig. Sound, Some Narration &/or Captions. (Note- The DVD Case Title Cover shown is an updated version that this Series now carries, however some shipments may have the older Title Covers until that stock is sold out, and then replenished with the newer version. However this does not affect the DVD content. )
[All content on Title Cover, artwork, photos, & DVD content © COPYRIGHT 2014, 1-WEST PRODUCTIONS™. ]