Keith’s Trains Series™ Railroad DVD Title #41 FAN TRIP AT STEAMTOWN WITH LACKAWANA 1661/MILW 261 STEAM; WHITEWATER VALLEY RR ‘90s (1-WP™)


Take a trip from Scranton, PA to Binghampton, NY, Delaware Lackawanna & Western C425 #2452. NYSW GP38-2, GP18, ALCO C430, SOO SD60, CP Rail SD’s and MLW C424, and more.


Keith’s Trains Series™ (from the camera of Keith Lehman, a RR Series from 1-West Productions™), Title #41 FAN TRIP AT STEAMTOWN WITH LACKAWANA 1661/MILW 261 STEAM; WHITEWATER VALLEY RR ‘90s:  Take a trip from Scranton, PA to Binghampton, NY, Delaware Lackawanna & Western C425 #2452. NYSW GP38-2, GP18, ALCO C430, SOO SD60, CP Rail SD’s and MLW C424. Nicholson Worlds Largest Concrete Steel Reinforced Structure Built in 1912/15, #1661/261 in and around depots,  and wyes.  Inside the cab at NY.  Also Whitewater Valley Tourist RR- Lima CUT #25 and ALCO S1 #9339 – Metanora, IN – horse-pulled canal boat.

NEW in slim DVD case, a Series from 1-WEST PRODUCTIONS™.  Approx. 120 Mins,  SD 4×3, All Color Video to Digital DVD,  Orig. Sound, Some Narration &/or Captions.  (Note- The DVD Case Title Cover shown is an updated version that this Series now carries, however some shipments may have the older Title Covers until that stock is sold out, and then replenished with the newer version.   However this does not affect the DVD content. )


[All content on Title Cover, artwork, photos, & DVD content  © COPYRIGHT 2014, 1-WEST PRODUCTIONS™. ]